About Me

Stephanie Silberman, Ph.D., FAASM, DABSM
Licensed Psychologist
Fellow, American Academy of Sleep Medicine

I am a Licensed Psychologist who is a Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

I am a graduate of the University of Michigan (B.A.) and Fairleigh Dickinson University (Ph.D.).

During graduate training, I worked at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City.

I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Sleep Disorders Institute of St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. Read More


My areas of specialty include the evaluation and treatment of sleep, anxiety, stress, and depressive issues, including:

Experience and Work
Sleep Disorders
Anxiety Disorder
Other Counseling
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Problems can occur in any relationship. Couples counseling can help fix these problems and build a stronger, more loving connection with your partner.




Everyone has issues that can affect their overall wellbeing. Individual therapy can help you feel better, happier, and more focused on a healthier you.




Sleep is a crucial part of a happy, healthy, more productive you. Sleep therapy helps you get the restful, restorative, quality sleep you need.




Families can have major issues that cause stress and tension. Family therapy helps your family communicate better and resolve these issues together.



Feeling stuck or dissatisfied with your career? Career counseling helps you create realistic goals and focus on your strengths and passions in the workplace.

Forget expensive mattresses, fancy foam pillows, and white noise machines. There’s no better treatment for insomnia than cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Research has shown that CBT works even better than powerful sleep medications, and with this workbook, it’s easier than ever to put these strategies to work to help you ward off insomnia and finally get to sleep.


The Insomnia Workbook is designed to simulate the experience of seeing a professional CBT sleep specialist. First, you’ll assess your sleep habits with questionnaires and evaluate how your sleep problem affects your life; then you’ll learn a variety of proven techniques sleep specialists recommend to their clients. This book includes all of the tools you need to better understand your insomnia and create an effective plan for getting the sleep you need.


With this complete program, you’ll:•Stop the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night•Train yourself to sleep using stimulus control, sleep restriction, and deep relaxation skills •Identify foods and lifestyle factors that may be making things worse•Keep a personal sleep log to track your progress
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Combatir el insomnio: una guía práctica


¿Le cuesta dormirse al llegar la noche pensando en las mil cosas que debería hacer al día siguiente? ¿Se despierta a media noche y no puede volver a conciliar el sueño? ¿Se queda adormilado mientras está sentado viendo la televisión? Este libro le ayudará a recobrar la energía por medio de la terapia cognitiva conductual, un tratamiento verdaderamente efectivo para los problemas del sueño sin necesidad de medicamentos.


Como si estuviera en la consulta de un profesional del sueño, en estas páginas descubrirá los hábitos de sueño, comidas y estilo de vida que puedan estar afectándole; mantendrá un registro del sueño y aprenderá técnicas para ayudarle a relajarse y a dormir. Pronto tendrá un plan efectivo para lograr dormir las horas que necesita. ¿A qué espera?
Paperback Kindle
Forget expensive mattresses, fancy foam pillows, and white noise machines. There’s no better treatment for insomnia than cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Research has shown that CBT works even better than powerful sleep medications, and with this workbook, it’s easier than ever to put these strategies to work to help you ward off insomnia and finally get to sleep.


The Insomnia Workbook is designed to simulate the experience of seeing a professional CBT sleep specialist. First, you’ll assess your sleep habits with questionnaires and evaluate how your sleep problem affects your life; then you’ll learn a variety of proven techniques sleep specialists recommend to their clients. This book includes all of the tools you need to better understand your insomnia and create an effective plan for getting the sleep you need.


With this complete program, you’ll:•Stop the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night•Train yourself to sleep using stimulus control, sleep restriction, and deep relaxation skills •Identify foods and lifestyle factors that may be making things worse•Keep a personal sleep log to track your progress
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Forget expensive mattresses, fancy foam pillows, and white noise machines. There’s no better treatment for insomnia than cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Research has shown that CBT works even better than powerful sleep medications, and with this workbook, it’s easier than ever to put these strategies to work to help you ward off insomnia and finally get to sleep.


The Insomnia Workbook is designed to simulate the experience of seeing a professional CBT sleep specialist. First, you’ll assess your sleep habits with questionnaires and evaluate how your sleep problem affects your life; then you’ll learn a variety of proven techniques sleep specialists recommend to their clients. This book includes all of the tools you need to better understand your insomnia and create an effective plan for getting the sleep you need.


With this complete program, you’ll:•Stop the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night•Train yourself to sleep using stimulus control, sleep restriction, and deep relaxation skills •Identify foods and lifestyle factors that may be making things worse•Keep a personal sleep log to track your progress
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